How Your Favorite Beauty Brands Are Supporting Victims Of Hurricane Harvey

Hurricane Harvey has devastated parts of Texas and Louisiana since it made landfall on Friday night, bringing intense winds, heavy rain, and severe flooding to residents of Houston and beyond. CNN is calling it “the most powerful hurricane to hit the United States in a decade.”
For those who haven’t been personally affected by the destruction the storm has caused, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you want to help, but don’t know where to start. Contributing to relief efforts in any way you can is an amazing option if you’re not in a position to volunteer, and some of our favorite beauty brands have made it even easier, either by contributing lump sums to humanitarian organizations and local resources like the Houston Humane Society and the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund, or by pledging to donate a portion of sales to these groups.
Ahead, a few brands that have already put their money toward the cause, and a few that can help you do the same. You definitely don’t need to get something in return to make your donation worth it, but if you can get a Beautyblender and help those in need at the same time, then by all means.

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