Here's How Many Americans Have Actually Had Sex On The Beach

Photographed by Caroline Tompkins.
If National Beach Day managed to fill your Instagram feed with sweeping vistas and azure-blue waters, National Today has an interesting tidbit that probably didn't show up on your social-media feeds.
The site, which tracks "special moments and quirky occasions on the cultural calendar," offered up some very unusual survey results surrounding the holiday.
Using data pulled from 1,000 beach-going Americans, the site found out everything from the most popular brand of sunscreen to use while you're out on the sand to what may be the most eyebrow-raising statistic ever: how many people have actually done the deed out on the seashore.
Turns out it's not just for romantic movies and music videos, because according to the survey, 30% of Americans over the age of 18 have had sex on a beach.
A total of 23.2% of responders said that it was an enjoyable experience and that they'd like to have a repeat performance compared to the approximately 6% that said that once was enough. 42.8% said that they haven't had sex out on the sand, but they'd like to try it. And to round it out, about 29% of those surveyed said that they "would never" attempt it.
National Today also broke dug a little deeper to find that of the people who have engaged in sex on the beach, about 17% of them got caught in the act. Getting reprimanded for celebrating National Beach Day with your boo may not be the best way to spend the day, but it's certainly one way to get a great story out of one of these non-traditional holidays. You certainly can't say the same about National Trail Mix Day or World Coconut Day, which are both coming up on the calendar.
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