Remember when Amazon was your one-stop shop for... books!? How quaint. Today, the digital megastore is the place you can get, well, everything. Jeff Bezos knew that, when dealing with an insatiable demand of inventory, sometimes you've got to think outside the box. That is, expand your offerings, widen the market, and bring in new costumers. It's a smart — nay, genius — business strategy, one that was recently adopted by Sephora.
The key to any successful company is supply. And, since opening its U.S. doors in 1998, the retail giant has quickly become the Dylan's Candy Bar of beauty products. Need a lipstick? Sephora's got 577. Prefer rose-scented fragrances? It has hundreds of those, too. But lately we've been seeing an uptick in new, slightly unconventional items on the dropdown menu: dental floss, water bottles, herbal supplements, and more.
The brand declined to comment on why, exactly, it was implementing these changes. But, like most things Sephora touches, we have no doubt they'll turn to gold. If they start selling auto parts, though, we're drawing the line.