A Poll Asked Men To Identify The Vagina, & Half Of Them Couldn't

Photographed by Ashley Armitage.
In depressing, but maybe not too surprising news, a study found that half of men can't identify the vagina on a diagram.
According to The Telegraph, The Eve Appeal, a UK gynecological charity, conducted a survey for Gynecological Cancer Awareness Month, and found that 1 in 2 men had a hard time finding the vagina.
The survey, which had a total of 2,000 participants (1,000 of whom were men), asked participants to label the vagina on a diagram including the vagina, vulva, cervix, ovaries, and the Fallopian tubes. Not only did 500 of the men fail to point out the vagina, many of them mistook the vulva for the vagina.
Moreover, half of the men polled said that they wouldn't feel comfortable discussing gynecological health with a female partner, and 17% admitted that they "know nothing about gynecological health issues and don't feel that they need to know, as it is a female issue."
Experts at The Eve Appeal say that the alarming results point to a dangerous lack of awareness.
"These survey results show shockingly low levels of awareness about the symptoms of gynecological cancer among both men and women," Athena Lamnisos, the charity’s chief executive, told The Telegraph. "For too many men, women’s bodies are still a taboo subject, shrouded in mystery."
"We know from the many calls that we receive at The Eve Appeal from men that they can play a vital role in identifying the symptoms, prompting their partners to visit the GP," she added. "Early diagnosis really is key and can save lives."
While the survey doesn't seem to include information on non-heterosexual couples, it's important for people of all genders to be educated about their sexual health — no one should be too embarrassed to discuss their gynecological health.
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