People Are Seriously Thirsty For These Hurricane Irma First Responders

The Gainesville, Florida Police Department has been keeping a secret — their police officers and other first responders are apparently very attractive. But thanks to photos the PD posted to Facebook following Hurricane Irma, the world now knows, and they're thirsty.
"So, looks like my next vacation will be spent in Gainesville rolling through stop signs and driving with a tail light out every evening until I've been pulled over by the entire night shift," one commenter wrote on a photo of three police officers. "It's gonna get expensive, and my insurance premiums will go through the roof from all those tickets, but... *fans self with a stack of travel brochures and birth control pamphlets*"
"These guys really change the meaning of the song 'F@ck the Police...,'" another person wrote. Of the more than 150,000 comments on the photo, plenty of them are asking when the Gainesville PD is going to release a calendar.
Eventually, the comments section got so lit that the police department had to post an update.
1. We are dying with the comments. You've actually made our chief blush with some of them.
2. MRS. Nordman and MRS. Hamill have also enjoyed knowing how millions of women are going crazy over their husbands.
3. We can confirm that Officer Rengering (far right with the amazing hair) IS SINGLE.
4. On another note, Officer Rengering is being placed into Cougar Prey Protective Care, similar to the witness protection program for his safety.
5. Please do not call 9-1-1 and request this group respond to your 'incident'
6. There WILL be a calendar," they wrote.
A few days later, they posted even more photos of their officers.
Once again, people were floored by Gainesville's employment of first responders.
"Do you guys even accept applications from average looking people or do you just call modeling agencies to find new officers?" one person wrote.
A neighboring police department in Sarasota, FL wanted in on the action, and posted photos of their own officers. "Officers Raulerson, Craig, Gloeckner & Hughes responded to help our friends at the North Port Police Department & North Port Fire Department this afternoon with rescues due to rising floodwaters from Hurricane Irma. Gainesville Police Department has nothing on us," they wrote.
Predictably, the comments on this photo are equally as thirsty, with commenters calling the men "yummy." Needless to say, it seems plenty of people will be planning trips to Florida.
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