The Single Best Episode Of Every Emmy-Nominated Series

Photo: Courtesy of HBO.
When it comes to catching up with pop culture before the Academy Awards, it's pretty easy. If you watch every major movie nominated for Best Picture, you'll basically seem like the smartest person at the Oscars party. The same can't be said for the 2017 Emmy Awards. There are 14 shows nominated between the Outstanding Drama and Outstanding Comedy categories. If you were to try to catch all of those shows' nominated seasons from beginning to end, that would be 174 episodes of television and roughly 7,800 minutes of staring at a screen.
Since no one has the time for that kind of binge, you should probably just watch the best episodes of each nominated series from the 2016-2017 season. To make the decision of what to start streaming before Emmys night on Sunday, September 17, we picked out the most stellar installments of every single series nominated, from Atlanta to Handmaid's Tale, Veep to House Of Cards. Keep reading to find out what made the cut. You're about win that Emmys 2017 ballot pool.
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