The Reason A Man Gave $20 To A Little Boy Will Make You Cry

Even when someone means well, it can be disconcerting to see a stranger getting a little too close to your child in public, for obvious reasons. But, mom Alyssa Hacker recently submitted a story to the Love What Matters Facebook page, in which she describes the moment that a stranger had her crying with her toddler in the middle of a Target — for a good reason.
Hacker said that she had been with her son, Owen, waiting for his grandmother, when Owen shouted "hi" to an older man who was walking past their cart.
The man turned around and said "hey, sweet boy" and began playing with the dinosaurs that Owen had in the cart.
"With this crazy world we live in I was a little hesitant as to how close he was with Owen," Hacker wrote.
But as it turns out, she needn't have worried.
The man, as it turns out, was a grandfather who had recently lost his young grandson.
"The man got his wallet out and pulled $20 out, he put it in Owens pocket on his shirt and said 'I just lost my 2 year old grandson last week,'" Hacker wrote. "You take this money and buy this boy all three dinosaurs' and rubbed Owens back, wiped his tears and walked off."
"After Owen yelled 'thank you' the gentleman turned around and yelled 'boomer sooner! [the fight song for the University of Oklahoma]'" she added. "There is still some good in this world!"
Since Hacker shared the story on Love What Matters' page, it has received over 11,000 shares at the time of writing.
"Thank you for letting him play with your son," one person commented. "For just a small minute, he had his grandson back."
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