This Woman Clapped Back Hard At A Guy Who Used Her Photo In A Sexist Meme

If you haven't seen some variation of the "person I like vs. person who likes me" meme, it pretty much is exactly what it sounds like — the humor, of course, being in the idea that the person you like is never the person who likes you back, and the person who likes you is usually somehow "lesser."
One guy, however, took it a little too far on Twitter with his own version of the meme, and was subsequently called all the way out by the person whose image he used.
On Tuesday, Leyton Mokgerepi (@imleyton on Twitter) posted images of two women meant to represent "girls that I like vs. girls that like me" — essentially suggesting that he likes thin, conventionally attractive women, but the women who like him are, what? Plus-sized? Also attractive?
Whatever meaning he was getting at was destroyed when the woman whose photo he used retweeted his tweet, writing, "I don't like you."
It was the clapback heard 'round the Twitter world, but Lesego Legobane, the model in the photo told BuzzFeed that she hadn't even seen the tweet until someone tagged her in it, and she decided "he had to know his place."
Mokgerepi didn't seem to get that memo — in the midst of being dragged all over the internet once Legobane's tweet went viral, he tweeted her photo again, this time with the caption "Girlfriend goals." Needless to say, it was too little, too late.
Furthermore, Joëlle Kayembe, the model in the other photo, also didn't appreciate her photo being used in a meme to shame another woman.
"It was not a well thought out compliment, if that is what he was trying achieve," she told BuzzFeed. "And to use one woman's picture (mine in this case) to body-shame another is just rude and unnecessary!"
Legobane told BuzzFeed, "I hate it when men think that fat girls are desperate and that we like every other guy 'cause 'we don't have options.'"
"It's utter nonsense," she added. "I can be fat and still be out of your league."
Refinery29 has reached out to Legobane for comment, and will update this article when we receive a response.
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