Here's Everything We Know So Far About What Happened THAT Night On Liar

Photo: Courtesy of Sundance.
Liar isn't so much a show about a rape, as it is a show about what happens when someone reports a rape. When high school teacher Laura Nielsen (Joanne Froggatt) takes dashing cardio-thoracic surgeon Andrew Earlham (Ioan Gruffudd) up on his offer of a low-key date, it looks as though things are off to a great start. The two hit it off, and after a smooth dinner, head back to her apartment, where they laugh and flirt over several glasses of wine.
Next thing we know, Laura wakes up alone in her bed with no underwear on, no memory, and a sick feeling that she's been drugged. Convinced that Andrew raped her, she reports him to the police.
So begins the he said/she said that makes up a good portion of this six-episode thriller. Andrew repeatedly denies that he forced Laura to do anything against her will, while she reiterates that the sex was not consensual. The problem is that we, like Laura, don't exactly know what happened that night, and Andrew's version of the truth can't exactly be trusted. Did she say no? Did she mean to? Was she unable to? None of these questions have answers.
And then there are the other theories: Could there be a third player in this equation? Maybe Laura's ex-boyfriend? The taxi driver? Or how about Andrew's son, who is also her student? (To avoid spoilers, I won't link to these theories, as British TV viewers are two episodes ahead, but they're all over Twitter if you're curious.)
Click through the following slideshow for a rundown of everything we actually know for sure about that night. Maybe together, we can crack this case wide open.

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