This Guy Asked His Professor For Help Asking A Girl Out

If you're having trouble getting your crush's attention, you may want to ask your English professor. That's what worked for one student who shared his story on the Love What Matters Facebook page.
"I have about zero skills when it comes to texting girls, so I legit asked my English professor to help me draft a text to a girl, and we straight ethos, logos, pathosed my way into a date!" he said. "I'm including photos from after our date. Look how cute Hannah is! I still can't believe she said yes. We finger painted the sunset together. It was so amazing and the painting was good, but the real masterpiece was next to me the whole time. Also Winston is very chill." (Winston's the dog in the photos, presumably.)
The professor's advice was very academic: Use ethos, logos, and pathos to appeal to Hannah's sense of ethics ("I don't want to come on too strong or pressure. Just a friendly outing. I am kind of cool sometimes"), logic ("it's free food, a break from work. A good, low-stress time"), and emotion ("it will be fun!").
The text the student wrote as a result is the sort that many of us wish we'd see more of in our Tinder inboxes. First, he let her know that there was no pressure. Then, he offered to help her de-stress. And finally, he threw in a joke at the end. We'd say he gets an A+ on this one.
It looks like the date went well, because he shared some cute photos of him and Hannah looking happy. Let's hope things work out for these two — and that creeps who try to get women's attention with lines like "I want you to come closer" take a lesson in ethos from this professor.

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