Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
Freedom and commitment can coexist, and this week's planets are out to prove it. On Monday, big-loving Venus and liberated Jupiter host their annual heart-to-heart — and in 2017, playing-for-keeps Scorpio is their host. Warm-fuzzy feelings wash over the world, and after that comes the question: How far can we take this thing together? Saturday's new moon in Scorpio will press the matter further. The downside: In business and personal affairs, people will be more possessive than usual all week. And yes, there could be cameos from the green-eyed monster.
But, instead of starting a bar fight or Twitter war over some feelings, use envy as your compass. Low key, do you want more from a particular relationship? Is your potential "other half" on the same page? These planetary shifts give us the courage to find out for real. If the answer is "no," cut your losses and move on because Scorpio energy is all or nothing. But if you get a "hell yes," grab each other's hand and go rolling in the deep!

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