J.Lo's Manager Benny Medina Is Accused Of Attempted Rape

Photo: Kevin Winter/Getty Images.
Television producer and music manager Benny Medina is accused of attempted rape by actor Jason Dottley.
According to the accusation, Medina, who is best known for managing the careers of Jennifer Lopez, Mariah Carey, and Will Smith, sexually assaulted Dottley while giving him a tour of his home, reports the Advocate.
In an interview with the publication, Dottley recounts the story which began when he met Medina in a West Hollywood bar in December 2008. Dottley was with a friend, fellow actor T. Ashanti Mozelle, when Medina approached them and eventually invited them to his house. Eager to network with the well-connected manager, Dottley recalls sensing a connection between Medina and Mozelle. Dottley was married at the time to TV writer Del Shores.
Upon arriving at the house, Medina offered to give them a tour. He brought them out to a swimming pool, where Dottley's friend says he is going to take a quick swim. At this point, Dottley still believed there was a connection between his friend and Medina. Continuing the house tour, Medina led Dottley into the living room and began showed photos of himself with various celebrities. The next room he led Dottley to was a bedroom. "There was no 'Do you want to see my bedroom?' We literally got to the door and he grabbed me by the chest of my shirt and threw me onto his bed. Now I’m 6 foot tall and was 155 pounds, and this is a stocky strong man," Dottley says, adding "We all have these things playing in our heads of what would we ever do if someone ever tried to do something, and none of my preplanned motions would work."
It was then that Dottley alleges Medina "stuck his tongue down my throat." Dottley recalls the struggle, saying that he pointed out that he was married before Medina became progressively more aggressive, allegedly demanding, "I'm having you! Oh, I will have you..." repeatedly. Dottley says that Medina had his arm pressed against his neck so hard that he questioned if he would remain conscious. He says he doesn't have a clear memory of whether Medina touched his genitals, but he does remember the manager pulling on his pants.
Neither Dottley or Mozelle remember exactly how long this went on for, but it was long enough for Mozelle to worry. Leaving the pool, Mozelle went into the house in search of his friend to find Medina on top of Dottley. Dottley recalls Mozelle screaming for Medina to get off of him. He did so before demanding that they get out of his house.
That was not Dottley's last interaction with Medina. According to the actor, Medina sent him a threatening text a few days later while out with his husband. "I get a text message as [Shores] and I were walking down Robertson Boulevard," said Dottley. "... I check it and it says something like: 'Hey, I’m at The Ivy eating. Just saw you walking across the street. Is that the husband I have to have killed to have you?'" Dottley never told his now ex-husband about the attempted rape as he feared retaliation, believing that Medina's influence could affect both of their careers in the entertainment industry.
Dottley told Advocate that he felt emboldened to finally speak out after seeing others coming forward, in particular, Anthony Rapp's accusations against Kevin Spacey.
Medina's attorneys have responded to the allegations in a statement saying that their client "categorically denies the allegations of attempted rape."
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