The Best Netflix Movies To Watch After Thanksgiving Dinner

PHoto: Netflix/Photofest.
Americans can’t agree on much. But by some miracle, on the third Thursday of November, people around the country start carrying out the same traditions at the same time. Tables are set. Turkeys are stuffed. People board smelly buses, endure crowded planes, and snake down snowy highways just for an elaborate meal. These rituals are practically embedded into the fiber of Thanksgiving holiday.
Just as crucial to a successful Thanksgiving holiday as a turkey is the post-dinner movie. As you probably already know, finding a movie that can satisfy such a wide array of guests is not easy. We're here to make your life simpler. All of these movies are streaming on Netflix. Instead of wasting an hour arguing over what movie to watch, come prepared with this list of family favorite and old-school comedies. They are all irresistibly good.
You may only make it twenty minutes before succumbing to a food coma, but we guarantee you'll enjoy those twenty minutes.

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