Celebrities like Sophia Bush, Cara Delevigne, and Amy Schumer have millions of followers on Instagram, which automatically gives them a great platform to raise awareness about social and political issues. So when these women posted a "Dear Ivanka" meme on Thanksgiving, they weren't just sending a message to Ivanka Trump — they offered important information to their followers.
In addition to multiple fan accounts dedicated to none other than herself, Trump also follows a handful of celebrities on Instagram, including the stars listed above.
This didn't go unnoticed, so the celebs in question decided to use the social media platform to send an important holiday message to Trump regarding her father's decision to rescind DACA.
According to BuzzFeed, Sophia Amoruso, Founder & CEO of Girlboss, was the first celeb to post a message to Ivanka and others quickly jumped on the bandwagon to ensure that she didn't miss it.
"Dear Ivanka — I see you're following me on Instagram. This Thanksgiving I would be grateful if you use the influence you have to advocate for a CLEAN Dream Act by December," the post reads. "Every day that passes without a clean Dream Act means anxiety and deportation for immigrant youth. 7,901 youth have already lost DACA and 122 more will use it each day. Thank you and Happy Holidays."
Other celebrities who posted the same message include Cara Delevigne, Audrey Gelman, Amy Schumer, Sophia Bush, Alexa Chung, and Olivia Wilde.
Neither Trump nor her fan accounts have responded to the meme, but nevertheless, the post raises awareness about a CLEAN Dream Act.
According to the National Immigration Law Center, A CLEAN Dream Act "would create a pathway to U.S. citizenship without using young immigrants as bargaining chips to harm immigrant communities."
The ACLU has a page dedicated to a bipartisan Dream Act and it includes a list of ways we can help ensure that young immigrants are protected.
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