Watch This YouTube Star Come Out In A Heartwarming Video

If you haven't yet met Elle Mills — the maker of fun genre-twisting YouTube videos like If Stranger Things Were A Romantic Comedy and If Harry Potter Were In The Hunger Games — then it's about time. Because she just posted one of the best coming out videos to ever hit YouTube.
Mills' followers frequently question her sexuality, she says in the video. So after getting comment after comment asking if she's gay, she decided to put the rumors to rest, "Elle Mills style." The resulting video is a rollercoaster of emotions as we get to watch her friends' sweet and sometimes silly reactions, her own struggle to tell her family, and her mom's emotional breakdown once she learns the truth.
Seriously, get your tissues ready.
Mills' coming out story starts the way many queer women eventually come out to themselves and later to friends and family — with a girl. "Now I don't want to get your hopes up, this isn't a love story," she says. "But this is my coming out story."
Throughout the video she hits on other feelings and insecurities many people have when they're working up to coming out, like worrying that the relationships we have with family and friends will change for the worse because people will look at us differently. That's likely why her video has resonated with so many people — and even caused some to literally cry over their breakfast.
"I am a 42 year old lesbian with a beautiful wife, and here I am sitting in my cubicle at work crying because of this vlog," one woman commented on the video. "I know you don't know me but I want you to know I am so very proud of you, you have a platform to maybe make it a little easier for the next beautiful soul to be brave and make the step to live their true self."
Others also commented that the video made them cry, enough so that one person had to say, "shit stop cutting onions in the comment section."
The tears keep flowing, of course, when Mills' mom drives up to her newly rainbow-wrapped house and tells her daughter that 1. she knew this was coming, and 2. she accepts her no matter what. It's a happy moment, given Mills' earlier confession that she was scared to tell her mom and her brother.
And the end, she kneels down to the camera and officially comes out to all 647,000 of her followers.
"Hi, I'm Elle Mills," she says. "And I'm bisexual."
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