Justin Timberlake Will Gladly Be Your Arm Candy

No, you're not dreaming. Justin Timberlake knows you objectify him, and he's totally OK with it.
People reports that the "Can't Stop The Feeling" singer spoke at The Hollywood Reporter's Women in Entertainment breakfast on Wednesday, where he relished in being one of the few men in attendance.
"I just feel really inspired to be in this room. I'd like to say to all of the women — strong, beautiful souls: I'm happy to be here to be your arm candy," Timberlake said to laughter. "Angelina [Jolie] warned me that I was basically only here to be objectified. I said, 'That's absolutely fair.'"
If there was ever a time to need an expensive fainting couch, it's now, especially since he then went on to prove he's not just any old piece of arm candy.
Timberlake, who People reports presented $1 million in scholarship money at the event to help underrepresented girls attend college, also took the opportunity to praise women for inspiring countless people around the world, including himself.
"Seriously, looking around this room — people like Angelina, Sherry [Lansing], Shonda [Rhimes], Nancy [Dubuc] and all of you strong women that are younger than me — I look up to all of you," he said.
Timberlake also discussed how men, too, need to "get on board" and "speak up" to make the world a safer place for women and provide them with opportunities to get ahead and be represented in the workforce.
"It's not our responsibility, it's our privilege because at the end of the day if you can be lucky enough to be raised by a strong woman and convince a strong woman to marry you, you will realize that we are nothing without the strength of women," he said.
Calling all men: This is how you do it.

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