The Chefs & Restaurateurs Who Have Been Publicly Accused Of Sexual Misconduct

Photo: Courtesy of Rex Features.
Over the course of the past nine months, the topic of sexual harassment in Hollywood has been the focus of headlines. Many powerful men in the entertainment industry faced consequences after years of alleged sexual misconduct. However, evidence of this global movement to hold industry giants responsible for their actions, which has been dubbed, "The Weinstein Effect," is not only happening in the entertainment industry. Employees in the restaurant industry are also sharing their experiences with workplace harassment and demanding consequences and change.
Celebrity chefs like Anthony Bourdain and Tom Colicchio used their platforms to address this issue. Bourdain blamed the restaurant industry's "meathead culture," and Colicchio agreed, writing in an open letter, "the high stakes of elite kitchens don’t justify the ugly machismo that runs through so many of them."
Sexual harassment happens across all industries, however, according to BuzzFeed News, more sex harassment claims have been made by employees at full-service restaurants since 1995 than in any other industry. Clearly, the food world, has been long overdue for a reckoning.
Alongside the brave people coming forward with stories about television executives, movie producers, actors, and politicians, are sexual harassment victims speaking out about chefs and restaurateurs. Though the field is different, the experiences employees face when men misuse their power is the same. In the restaurant industry, just as in Hollywood, women's careers and basic sense of safety have been negatively impacted by these experiences. These are the chefs that have been publicly accused of sexual misconduct and the consequences that they have faced so far based on their alleged actions. We'll continue to update this story if more public allegations are made.
If you have experienced sexual violence and are in need of crisis support, please call the RAINN Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673).

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