These Were The Song Lyrics No One Could Get Out Of Their Head This Year

Photo: Kevin Mazur/WireImage.
It's safe to say there's nothing worse than having a song stuck in your head that you don't actually know the name of. Looking it up usually involves some kind of Google search that looks like "song that goes dum dum dum and then doo doo doo really fast," but if you're cooler (and richer) than me, you might have your Amazon Alexa do that for you. According to new data released by the company, Alexa was a pretty big help in 2017 when it came to trying to find songs based on the lyrics that are stuck in your head.
For instance, yelling "just stop your crying" into your Alexa would pull up "Sign of the Times" by Harry Styles, coming in at number 39 on Amazon's list of Top 40 Lyrics Requests of 2017. Or perhaps Alexa caught you repeating "my left stroke just went viral" and looked up number 35, "Humble" by Kendrick Lamar, just so you would stop singing it.
Other lyrics include familiar favorites like "there's no crying in the club" (hint: the title is "Crying In The Club") or "I make money moves" which I refuse to believe people don't actually recognize. However, you could say the top 15 most requested lyrics reveal our innermost obsessions from the last year, whether that includes songs by iconic pop stars who dominated social media, or more under the radar hits that, nevertheless, we couldn't get out of our heads.
Ahead are Amazon Alexa's 15 most requested lyrics of 2017 — Alexa, can you start the slideshow?

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