Let Us All Have The Kindness Of Sarah Silverman In 2018

The new year always brings about the feeling of resolution and optimism for change. But we can also look to others for examples of how we can embrace that change for ourselves as well. Comedian Sarah Silverman is proof of that, with a recent Twitter exchange that has us wanting to embrace kindness as a valid response.
It all started on Twitter when a user by the name of Jeremy called Silverman the c-word. While others would have simply ignored him, she took the opportunity to educate him with kindness instead. She read through some of his tweets, finding out that he has issues from back pain and drug abuse, keeping that in mind with her thoughtful reply:
She wrote the following in response: "I believe in you. I read ur timeline & I see what ur doing & your rage is thinly veiled pain. But u know that. I know this feeling. Ps My back Fucking sux too. see what happens when u choose love. I see it in you."
Silverman's response to the would-be troll led to an exchange that no one was expecting. Jeremy began to open up, revealing his struggles with sexual violence serving as the catalyst for many of the issues that he's struggling with currently.
Instead of pitying him or using the opportunity of Jeremy's vulnerability as an excuse to be mean, Silverman instead chose to embrace kindness. She used the thread and her network of followers to find a healthcare specialist to help Jeremy, despite his original trolling and lack of insurance. It wasn't long until a specialist reached out to be connected.
Exchanges online can bring out the worst in us, and create many opportunities to be mean. But, going into 2018, Silverman's exchange should inspire us to follow the golden rule more often, even when another person doesn't. We can never truly know what someone else is going through, or what has led them to choose how they present. But embracing kindness can have a domino effect.

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