Here's How To Keep The #TimesUp Momentum Going

Ever since Oprah Winfrey's instantly iconic State of the Union-style speech Sunday night at the Golden Globes, all you likely want to do today is stock up on Oprah 2020 keychains and campaign mugs. (At least, that's what we're doing). But, that's not the only merch you can get your hands on to keep the evening's momentum going. Because let's not forget what made this year's event particularly special: The majority of attendees not only supported the Time's Up movement — an initiative to fight systemic sexual harassment in Hollywood and in workplaces nationwide, backed by 300 of the industry's finest — by wearing black, but many topped their ensembles off with a lapel pin supporting the organization, too. And now, you can get in on the action beyond just wearing black.
If you want to support the movement in a more tangible way, Time's Up's online store is officially open. Though T-shirt activism is something we've grown wary of over the past couple of years, it's worth noting that the organization is not only backed by $13 million in donations (and counting!) and legislation to penalize companies that tolerate persistent harassment, but it's also donating all proceeds from the products in its shop to said Legal Defense fund, which provides subsidized legal services for individuals subject to workplace sexual harassment and abuse. So, if you left last night feeling a shift of times and the wave of empowerment many Hollywood women did, you can support the cause by shopping the items ahead (or, you can choose to donate here). Because when Oprah says men's time is up, well, their time is up.

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