We Asked All 106 Congresswomen If They'll Wear Black To SOTU

As the sexual harassment reckoning has moved from Hollywood to virtually all sectors of society, Washington hasn't been the exception. And now, a group of Democratic women are taking a cue from Hollywood's protest at the Golden Globes and planning to wear black to President Trump's first State of the Union in support of #MeToo and Time's Up.
The lawmakers behind the protest belong to the Democratic Women's Working Group (DWWG) in the U.S. House of Representatives. Several members confirmed to Refinery29 that they will participate as a show of support for survivors who have spoken up. The protest is not limited to the House female lawmakers, however — they're inviting men and women, from both parties, to also don black at the event.
The protest will go beyond their clothes, too. NBC News reported earlier this month that some Democrats are inviting survivors and advocates as their guests. (Lawmakers are allowed to bring one guest to the event.)
In the aftermath of the Harvey Weinstein exposé, several elected officials have been accused of sexual misconduct and the allegations against President Donald Trump have resurfaced. It has led to some of them stepping down or announcing they won't seek re-election. And lawmakers in both chambers, many of them women, have been pushing for new legislation to combat sexual harassment and other types of abuses.
Refinery29 reached out to all 106 women in Congress to ask whether they will support the protest. Ahead is every female lawmaker who has confirmed they will wear black to the State of the Union. We'll continue to update this story as more women say they will join in.

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