Your Ultimate TV Guide To Face Masking

illustrated by Mallory Heyer.
Firing up your DVR or Netflix queue for a night in can feel like a big event. Your bra? Off. Sweatpants? On. Glass of wine? Poured. But the hours you spend parked in front of the TV — an average of five hours and four minutes per day, studies show — are also a golden opportunity to treat your skin... provided you do it the right way.
While your list of shows prove to the world that you're a well-rounded person with varied interests, there's not much else New Girl, Black Mirror, and The Bachelor have in common. In fact, each one elicits its own emotional reaction, which, by rules of basic biology, show up differently on your face. When you're stressed, for example, you don't need a heavy-duty exfoliator with 10 different kinds of AHAs — but rather a calming face mask and maybe an iPhone reminder to stop biting off your fingernails.
To make the pairing process easy, we've compiled a handy TV guide to masking for every fan base and budget. Call it the skin-care answer to responsible binge-watching.

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