Everything Leaving Netflix In March

Photo: Barry Wetcher/Columbia/Kobal/REX/Shutterstock.
They say March comes in like a lion, and out like a lamb, but that's not exactly how Netflix is going to let this month happen. This March, Netflix will clean house by expelling some of its best content: The movie Hitch will take its leave of the archives, as well as the animated classic Anastasia. Some of the premium movies that only just made it to the streaming site will also leave, despite their short tenure. Jaws was only just introduced late last year. And yet, we must say goodbye. (Some contracts are long. Other contracts are short. Goodbye, Jaws!)
Similarly, some of the Christmas content will be escorted off your queue. Say Goodbye to The Santa Clause and its sequels. If we're lucky, maybe Netflix will renew its contract with the Tim Allen-led franchise come next December. It's the circle of life, really: Netflix gives, and then Netflix taketh away. So, for every asset removed from the site this month, there will be an equal and opposite — or even better and opposite — reaction. Mourn the losses now, but not for too long. There are more TV shows and movies to be watched! (Like Babylon Berlin. That's a good show. Everyone should watch that show.)
Ahead, the full list of everything leaving Netflix in March.
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