Cynthia Nixon Is Running For Governor Of New York

Photo: Bruce Glikas/FilmMagic.
We'll nix the obligatory Sex And the City reference, and get right to it: Cynthia Nixon has confirmed that she is running for governor of New York, challenging incumbent Gov. Andrew Cuomo. She would be the state's first female governor.
Nixon, a born-and-raised New Yorker who is best known for playing level-headed lawyer Miranda on SATC, announced her candidacy with a video posted on Twitter.
The actress is a longtime political activist and has criticized Cuomo on everything from his handling of the education budget ("He's not against public schools, but he doesn't like to pay for them.") to the pitiful state of the New York City subway. As an advocate for LGBTQ+ people, she has been honored with a Human Rights Campaign Visibility Award.
"New York is where I was raised and where I’m raising my kids. I’m a proud public school graduate," she says in the video. "And a prouder public school parent. I was given chances I just don’t see for New York’s kids today."
She continues: "Half the kids in our upstate cities live below the poverty line. How did we let this happen? I love New York. I’ve never wanted to live anywhere else. But something has to change."
Nixon's focus on fixing #CuomosMTA is music to many New Yorkers' ears, given that almost everyone has a story of getting stuck underground for hours while stuffed into a metal can like a sardine. The subway is, on average, slower than it was in the 1950s and delays have tripled in the past five years, according to Nixon's website. Cuomo has largely made cosmetic changes like Wi-Fi and digital displays, ignoring badly needed infrastructure work.
"Unlike Governor Cuomo, Cynthia Nixon rides the subway every day," her website says. "She understands first-hand the toll that his disastrous mismanagement of the MTA is taking on everyday New Yorkers."
In case you doubt that she rides the MTA every day, plenty of people took to Twitter to attest to this fact.
Her campaign site emphasizes that her campaign is powered by the people. "Cynthia hasn't been bought and paid for by special interests and won't be accepting any corporate contributions."
Please, please let Nixon make #WokeCharlotte her press secretary.
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