Photographic Proof Ruth Bader Ginsburg Has Always Loved Scrunchies

Photo: Robin Marchant/Getty Images.
Carrie Bradshaw got it all wrong about scrunchies. We’re talking specifically about that Sex and the City episode in 2003 when Bradshaw’s insecure boyfriend, Jack Berger, writes a story about a hip female character “running all over Manhattan” wearing a scrunchie; she calls the style choice “a crucial mistake,” and the souls of ‘80s-style aficionados everywhere were crushed. But not Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Long before Demna Gvesalia sent scrunches down the Balenciaga runway, the 85-year-old has been championing the divisive hair accessory. “I have been wearing scrunchies for years,” Justice Ginsburg tells the Wall Street Journal. In fact, it’s one of her favorite souvenirs to buy when she travels. “My best scrunchies come from Zurich. Next best, London, and third best, Rome." She added that her "scrunchie collection is not as large as my collar and glove collections, but scrunchies are catching up."
We can’t help but wonder what Ginsburg would say to Bradshaw, who felt like “no woman who works at W magazine and lives on Perry Street would be caught dead at a hip downtown restaurant wearing a scrunchie,” as she told Berger. Especially considering the fashion-minded octogenarian has sported them to work, including President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address in 2014, Sundance, and beyond. But don’t take our word for it. Click ahead for photographic proof.

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