This Summer's Trendiest (& Cheapest) Rosés

Sometimes it can feel like we are drowning in a sea of millennial pink. Everywhere we turn during the warmer months, waves of rosé everything smack us in the face. Sure, we love the blush-hued stuff and welcome the trend's onslaught by purchasing it for sipping in any way, shape, or form. But in order to avoid wading through any summer water buyer's remorse, we decided to chat with a wine expert to figure out this year's rosé bottles that are best to buy on a budget.
The overflowing sea of rosé knows no bounds because it can be made from, "virtually any red grape, in virtually any wine climate, so there are countless rosy hues and flavor possibilities to pour into your next glass," Sayle Milne, certified wine educator and founder of Wine Savvy NYC, tells Refinery29. That said, don't start collecting too many bottles at once. "Because of the way rosé is made, it is not meant to age. In other words, it should be drunk within a year of bottling," says Milne. So when buying your next bottle, it's important to keep the following in mind: "We are in 2018, so if you see a rosé with 2017 on the label, grab it up. 2016 might be fine too, but please don’t waste your money on a 2015 (that bottle is dead on arrival)."
Ahead, Milne shares recommendations for the trendiest bottles to buy this season — and all for under $20 a pop. If you can't decide on just one, do as Milne suggests and, "Get your friends together for a rosé flight tasting. Have each person bring a bottle from a different country or wine region. Line them up from lightest to darkest in color and try them all. You may just discover your favorite new wine!"

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