Music Movies To Watch Tonight When You Find Yourself Missing Live Concerts

Photo: Neal Preston/Dreamworks Llc/Kobal/REX/Shutterstock
Living through a global pandemic has make many of us realize how much we took going to concerts for granted. Despite the fact that many musicians have figured out how to livestream performances and throw virtual concerts, there's nothing quite like being in a sweaty crowd, feeling the palpable energy and thump of heartbeats as you all bask in the love for live music. And now that it's no longer a possibility for the foreseeable future, many people are spending their time moping about it — or worse, risking their lives and those of others by going anyway. I, for one, would rather watch a movie.
Even if you can't go to a live show for a while, you can still watch movies about bands. Movies that capture a slice of the backstage dynamics and high-running emotions. Movies that mimic the thrill of live music performances, and leave you buzzing. Movies you can sing along to. Here are our favorite movies about bands and artists, and the best songs from each.
So don't sulk about not going to a live show. Go buy some fancy popcorn, and relax.


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