What To Buy Your Mom For Mother's Day Based On Her Horoscope

Shopping for our moms is like our moms shopping for us: a stubborn game of gift-giving roulette. Although we both know that ultimately the best method is to just ask what the other wants, neither party willingly succumbs to such sensible measures. And because mind-reading is also not a feasible option, we'll need an alternative method for figuring out what to buy this Mother's Day.
Since we refuse to ask our moms want they really want, we went with the next best method: horoscopes. We might not remember the jewelry brand mom was talking about during that most recent phone conversation, but we do know her zodiac sign — so we're letting the cosmos help guide us on what exactly to buy and why. Forget reading minds, and read your mom's horoscope instead. Check out her star sign ahead for hints towards shopping success with a curated list of trendy buys.

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