GOP Congresswoman Links School Shootings To Violent Movies, Bullying & … Porn?

Photo: AP/REX/Shutterstock.
Republican Rep. Diane Black is concerned about school shootings and the reasons behind this epidemic. One thing that separates the Tennessee gubernatorial candidate from many other lawmakers is that she doesn't believe that lax gun laws are the reason why this type of attacks are so prevalent in the United States. Instead, the 67-year-old politician says that some of the causes for gun violence are bullying, violent movies, and... porn.
HuffPo reported about a conversation between Black and local pastors at a meeting last week, in which Black made those wild remarks. When asked about the issue of gun violence in U.S. schools, the GOP congresswoman talked about the "deterioration of the family" as one of the causes.
"Why do we see kids be so violent? What's out there? What makes them do that?" she said. "I think it's the deterioration of the family, so they're looking for something."
She mentioned that teenagers look to fill a void through the "internet" and movies showing stuff being "blown up," which results on the young generation being "desensitized" to violence. Then, she mentions pornography as a cause.
“It’s available on the shelf when you walk in the grocery store. Yeah, you have to reach up to get it, but there’s pornography there,” she continued. “All of this is available without parental guidance. I think that is a big part of the root cause.”
There's no scientific evidence showing a link between pornography and gun violence, and Black didn't elaborate further on why she thinks both are connected. In a statement to Refinery29, Black's spokesperson Whitney Smith also avoided explaining the connection between porn and school shootings, instead saying the congresswoman was referring to the "loss of Christian values."
"I think the context is pretty clear. Diane believes the breakdown of families and communities plays a significant role in instances of school violence," Smith said. "She believes one of the greatest dangers facing Tennessee is a loss of Christian values. As governor, she will fight to keep our values strong and our children safe."
So, there you have it! Now we can add porn to the list of reasons Republicans have given to explain the prevalence of gun violence. Other standout responses include having "too many entrances" in schools, "taking God out of" American culture, unhealthy diets, mainstream media, Ritalin and "overmedicating" children, and the criticism of toxic masculinity.
This story was originally published on May 29, 2018. It has since been updated.

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