The 10 Most Popular Jobs That Pay Over $100K

illustrated by Elliot Salazar.
Life can get expensive quickly. Student loans certainly don't pay themselves, and reconciling the desire to go on vacation while maintaining a healthy savings account is a constant struggle. It would be nice to have a job where you didn't have to choose.
If you're looking for a way to make the most (money) during your 9-5, look no further: Glassdoor just released a new survey revealed the most popular, six figure jobs so far this year. There's a lot of competition for these jobs for good reason. In a 2017 survey conducted by U.S. News & World Report, more than 1,000 millennial respondents rated salary as the job factor that mattered the most. Future job prospects and upward mobility were among the other factors they valued most in a potential position.
Your job might not pay $100,000+ now, but if that is a goal, it's good to know that your chosen field could take you there. The competition for these jobs may be fierce, but don't let that put you off. Knowing where you want to go is half the journey. Not only do these jobs pay well above the national average, most are growing at rates that are also well above average are are predicted to keep growing over the next 10 years.
So, whether you are plotting a career change, deciding your dream job, or simply just curious to see what these elusive "well-paying" jobs actually are, read on.

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