Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
Sick and tired of hearing about Mercury retrograde? We're right there with you — but the end is near! The communication planet goes direct next week and, until then, just try to ride it out.
This week, Venus has a solstice from Sunday to Thursday. She's asking us to slow down and take a look at where we want to be going forward. The third eclipse of the summer (and the second solar one) will urge us to create better versions of ourselves as it highlights the areas of our lives that need the most attention. Sure, that might sound less than pleasant, but you'll love the new and improved you once you've done the necessary work.
Mars is out of bounds and retrograde until the end of the month. Take a deep breath — this movement may increase feelings of frustration and even sexual tension. Uranus goes retrograde on Tuesday and will stay that way until early 2019. Maintain your cool and watch out for heightened anxiety. Read on to find out how these (many, many) movements will affect your sign for the week.

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