Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
Time to get fastidious and finish those to-do lists, astro buddies. We're entering the last week of Virgo season. It'll be wise to make sure we’ve got all our ducks in a row before the sun moves on next week and social butterfly Libra enters the spotlight.
Mars is out of bounds for a while longer — it’s beginning to feel like life has always been this way (a little slower, a little foggier, just a That will change early next week when the red planet finds his way back to his regular path.
But this week won't be only waiting and working. We'll need to keep an eye on our tempers, since Mars and Uranus have been in a tricky, volatile square since last week. Heated arguments could spur you to say — or do — something you might regret. When speaking with others, listen first in order to avoid lashing out. Take note of what might set you off and even prepare your responses before entering into difficult discussions.

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