This Week In Pete Davidson & Ariana Grande: Pariana Says Goodbye

Photo: Amy Sussman/REX/Shutterstock.
I can't believe This Week In Pariana is coming to an end. I honestly thought I had more time. In fact, I had just gotten on board with the idea that maybe these two crazy kids really were in it for the long haul. When they broke up, I was surprised to find just how much wind was knocked out of me. It was like my sister — or bleached-haired eccentric brother — had just called off their engagement.
While I don't have to deal with any of the personal ramifications of the break-up, I did find myself wondering how this was going to affect me professionally. I used to write about Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande almost every day, and every Friday I'd take pains to collect every single thing that happened in the past week and commit it to the internet. And to what end?
I refuse to leave my dear readers as suddenly as Pariana left me. Before this column packs up shop, let's take one more look back — for old time's sake. Here's everything that happened this week in Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande: breakup edition.

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