What Ivanka Did This Week: Planning For Africa & Watching The Snow Fall

What Ivanka Did This Week is a weekly column that explores what Ivanka Trump, first daughter and adviser to President Donald Trump, does all day.

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Ivanka's schedule has not been made public, so each week, we will do our best to cover the public events and forums she attends, the meetings she has with lawmakers and government officials, and her social media presence.
Sunday, November 11
• The New York Times published a report detailing the complicated dynamic between Melania and Ivanka Trump. In it, it's revealed that Ivanka will soon follow in Melania's footsteps and travel to Africa, together with Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.
Monday, November 12
• Ivanka posted on Instagram about the California wildfires, saying she is "Sending love and prayers to the people, animals and wildlife affected."
Tuesday, November 13
• It turns out taxpayers spent around $14,000 on Secret Service protection for a two-day getaway Ivanka and husband Jared Kushner took to Vermont right after the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, VA.
Wednesday, November 14
• Ivanka had a meeting about "opportunity zones," created through President Trump's tax overhaul, areas with high poverty and slow growth where the government will use tax incentives to draw long-term investment.
• Ivanka celebrated the passage of the BUILD Act on foreign assistance.
Thursday, November 15
• Ivanka praised her father's support for First Step, the new criminal justice reform act.
• Ivanka posted a pic of her kids watching the first snowfall, and tweeted back at a woman who says she likes to do the same thing: "Me too! ;)"

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