A Texas Money Diarist On Being A Teen Mom & Her Family's Breadwinner

In October, we published the Money Diary of a 36-year-old nurse consultant living with her wife and 18-year-old son in Cedar Park, TX. In it, the OP wrote about switching jobs for a better work-life balance, being her family's sole provider while her wife attends school in pursuit of her dream career (in the OP's words, "three people, two dogs, one income"), and saving up to send her son to college.
Commenters were especially moved by the OP's commitment to her family and strong work ethic (and many hopped into the comments to ask if they could be IRL friends with her) — the general consensus being, "Can we please have a follow-up interview?"
Ahead, we talked to the OP about her money philosophy, young motherhood, and how she and her wife are getting ready to become empty-nesters.

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