How I Became The Most Successful Legal Sex Worker In The U.S.

Last month, we ran a Money Diary from Alice Little, a legal sex worker in Nevada who managed to book $1 million in a calendar year. We followed up with Little to chat about the diary and how she became the most successful legal sex worker in the country (it involves a 60-to-80-hour work week).
Can you talk about what's changed in your life since you did a Money Diary last year?
"One big change is that I’ve had to hire an assistant to help me manage my busy schedule, help take care of all my animals, and do some of the editing that I've simply run out of time for. I’ve got a podcast called Coffee with Alice, a show on YouTube, and I’m doing sex toy and sex book reviews.
"I pay my assistant around $40,000 each year, and I have it set up right now with her as a private contractor underneath my personal LLC."
You also mentioned in your diary that your minimum booking is now $2,000.
"That is an absolutely massive change. Whereas before, I might have been available in lineup, I'm now available by appointment only. I was getting so many requests that I had to make a business decision and say, okay, I can’t handle three or four appointments each day and still be able to do my work in a way that I can feel comfortable. I had to adjust my business model so I could still get days off and manage my schedule in a way that works for me."
Are you seeing clients less?
"I would say I spend the majority of my time still working with my guests in a one-on-one context, but I've definitely taken some of my free time and dedicated it to my other projects. If I don’t have an appointment, I can finish up a sex toy review or get together show notes for a podcast. All of those little administrative tasks take up a surprising amount of time. In between that and social media photo shoots, I'm probably working a good 60 to 80 hours a week."

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