10 Simple Tips To Help You Get Your Money In Order Before 2019

Illustrated by Richard Chance
This year is coming to a close, and you may find yourself looking a little too closely at your bank account and credit card statements — or maybe avoiding everything money-related altogether. No matter where you’re at, the end of the year tends to bring a lot of things into focus as we try to figure out how to make the next year better than the last.
When it comes to money, December and January are ripe with opportunities to take control of your finances. But, instead of committing to a bunch of unrealistic New Year’s resolutions that you probably won’t keep — after all, according to U.S. News And World Report, roughly 80% of resolutions fail by mid-February — your best bet is to find a way to get your finances together that’s sustainable and realistic for your personal circumstances.
To help shed some light on the best strategies for stepping into 2019 on the right foot, Refinery29 chatted with Rachel Cruze, New York Times best-selling author of Love Your Life, Not Theirs and host of The Rachel Cruze Show, Alison Norris, Certified Financial Planner and SoFi financial strategist, and Paco de Leon, founder of The Hell Yeah Group, which helps creatives demystify their finances.
Ahead are 10 tips to help you get your money in order before 2018 ends, from making sure you spend all of your healthcare FSA to hunting down a money mentor.

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