Pivoting To Politics: How The Kardashians Rebranded In 2018

Illustrated by Hannah Minn.
The world has turned ever-so-slightly upside down, at least from the vantage point of the traditionally-minded. In 2016, America elected a reality television star to office of the President. Now, in 2018, several reality stars selected themselves as our new pseudo lobbyists. In other words, the Kardashians left their humble homes in Calabasas and went to Washington D.C..
To be clear, this is something powerful people have done for ages: When your clout reaches a certain level, there is no office door that you can’t open. For the Kardashians, this clout is the result of a world gone topsy-turvy. With a reality star in the White House and an increased scrutiny on the role of celebrity in American politics, the Kardashians have suddenly become the second-most important family in America. (The first most important is the Obamas, duh.) 2018 was the year the Kardashians decided to take advantage of that.
Ahead, how the Kardashians got political this year.

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