Your Favorite Celebs On The Dream Roles They Didn't Get

Photo: VALERIE MACON/AFP/Getty Images.
The same way we only see the good parts of people's lives on Instagram, we, obviously, only see celebrities in the blockbuster movies in which they were cast. But, in both cases, there's way more that happens outside of the spotlight, and for every audition a celebrity nails, there's certainly another they bombed, and many missed out on the role of their dreams because of it.
It's not all red carpets and premieres — acting is a grind, and the only reason our favorite stars like Emma Stone and Jake Gyllenhaal are where they are today is because they pushed past a buttload of rejection. Now that we know how great they are, though, it's hard not to think about what could have been. Stone as Alice in Alice in Wonderland? Gyllenhaal as Frodo in Lord Of The Rings? Are any of the people behind these movies kicking themselves now that they've seen what these rejected actors went on to accomplish?
No shade to the actors who did land the roles, though. Instead, this is proof that, even in Hollywood, everything happens for a reason. Whether you're here out of curiosity or because you need an ego boost, ahead is a reminder that, in the immortal words of Howie Day, even the best fall down sometimes. Here are the dream roles our favorite actors didn't get.

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