How To Set A Meaningful Intention For The New Year

Photographed by Kara Birnbaum.
Right now, there's a good chance you're getting bombarded by "New Year, new you" messages from everyone from your gym to that wellness influencer you follow on Instagram. Maybe you're feeling jaded about the year that hasn't even started yet, or just annoyed by the prospect of making a resolution.
The thing is, come January, most of us do experience an inevitable refresh, says Tanya Richardson, angel intuitive and author of Angel Insights. "We all get this real boost of spiritual, psychic, wonderful energy from the universe, where we really do get a fresh start, and we feel some momentum," she says. This shift is something that Richardson says she notices with clients every January. "You could say it's astrology, but there's an energy that's sweeping through all of our lives," she says. So, it's not just the cultural cues telling you to start anew, it's also the universe.
Along with this rejuvenation, it's only natural to make intentions or resolutions that involve your physical wellbeing, says Amy B. Scher, expert in mind-body healing and author of How To Heal Yourself When No One Else Can. "People tend to look at the diet and lifestyle first because in a way, it’s easier than looking at the truth of how we feel," she says. "Because what then?"
Of course, deciding to examine your emotional energy and make some positive intentions requires more time than, say, vowing to lift heavy weights or meal prep more. If you're not sure where to begin when crafting your New Year's intention, ahead are some tips from Scher and Richardson.

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