This week begins after 2019’s first solar eclipse in Capricorn this past Saturday. As a result, we might have confronted some of the things we need to fix in our professional lives this week. We get to confront our fears today when Uranus moves direct in Aries. His transformative energy will help each of us to begin the new year on the right foot. On Monday, Venus moves into Sagittarius, creating a more playful vibe. But be careful with your words on Tuesday, when Mercury and Mars square. When these two planets are at odds, they can make our language unintentionally blunt.
Meanwhile, the moon moves into Aquarius on Monday and waxes there until Wednesday afternoon. Then it will move into Pisces after 2:43 PM EST and stay there until Friday morning. During this time, it will enter an extended void-of-course period, which is when the moon transitions from one sign into the next and for a little while it isn't influencing any sign in particular. It will stay this way from 9:24 AM until Saturday at 3:17 AM when it moves into Aries. Anything that you attempt during this void-of-course period has a high chance of going nowhere, like a paper plane in a windy field. Save your energy and focus on gathering your strength.

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