High Paying & Hiring: These Are The 5 Best Jobs In America

Photographed by Beth Sacca.
As the new years begins to roll out, it's understandable to want to take stock of your professional life.
Whether you're looking to change jobs or just tweak some things to make room for more growth in your current one, January is the perfect time for self-assessment — specifically thinking about where you are versus where you'd like to be. Maybe you've updated your LinkedIn profile just to see what happens, or are casually sending your resume out to a couple places. Or, maybe you're actively looking.
Luckily, U.S. News & World Report has unveiled their perfectly-timed 2019 Best Jobs list. The rankings analyze the best jobs across a variety of different categories, including best-paying jobs and specific sectors and industries.
Occupations in tech and healthcare continue to dominate these lists — compromising 44 of the 100 best jobs — in part due to their high salaries and low unemployment rates. But it isn't all about the money: The results are also based on important considerations related to job satisfaction, such as growth potential and work-life balance.
Whether or not you're actively considering a career pivot, it's a good idea to take a holistic look at today's job market. Ahead, see which jobs came in at the top of the U.S. News Best Jobs' rankings this year.

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