Illustrated by Hilda Palafox.
The week begins in Aquarius season, turning our attention to big ideas and forward thinking. We need a boost to help us gain perspective as we move into our first lunar eclipse of the year tonight from 9:36 p.m. EST to 12:31 a.m. EST. This super moon in Leo is no ordinary eclipse as it will square Uranus, the planet of innovation. This means that it might be time for us to face and make significant alterations to the details in our lives. After the eclipse, the moon wanes in Leo until Tuesday night, and then stays in Virgo, before entering a void of course period on Thursday from early morning to late at night. On Friday, the moon moves into Libra and stays until early Saturday morning. Jupiter is here to help cheer us up on Tuesday when he conjoins with sweet Venus. Their dynamic combination will help us to heal and see the silver lining in our current situation. On Wednesday, we could have tense conversations as Mercury, the planet of communication squares the spicy troublemaker Uranus. Not all discussions about change are negative — if you choose to take away the positive notes. On Friday, Mars trines with Jupiter. This is excellent news for anyone who feels stuck in a rut - you’re not blocked, and can use the lucky planet’s energy to support your goals. Get going!

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