We begin our week with the calming energy of our waning moon. The moon wanes in Scorpio on Sunday until Monday morning, so this is a time for us to start tying up our loose ends. She goes void of course from 7:13 a.m EST - 4:19 p.m. EST. On Tuesday afternoon, the moon wanes in Sagittarius until early Thursday morning at 1:48 a.m EST.
On Wednesday, Mars sextiles the sun, elevating our moods and sense of ambition. It’s a great day to ask for what you want and to be generous with others. On Friday, we will encounter not one, but two squares. Prepare yourself for the fragile energy when Venus squares Uranus and Mars Squares Pluto. Both of these movements want change but have difficulty expressing how they want things done. If you can take anything away from these two squares, it would be to write your thoughts down and find the beauty in frustration. The moon wanes in strict Capricorn from Thursday morning until Saturday afternoon. Enjoy your last week of Mercury’s direct motion, and talk with others before he moves backward on March 5.

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