The Home Edit: The First Rule Of Cleaning Your Closet Is Not To Talk About Cleaning Your Closet

The following is an excerpt from the book The Home Edit: A Guide To Organizing And Realizing Your House Goals, out March 18, published with permission of Clarkson Potter.
Tackling a closet is not for the faint of heart. It’s essentially an organizing project scattered with emotional land mines and decision-making trip wires. Just when you think you might be making progress, you’ll come across a dress that reminds you of an event you went to, or a sweater you wore almost every day that you were pregnant with your firstborn. And even if you make it through those hurdles, you may eventually find clothing that forces you to confront the size you were ten years ago. But if you create some goals and ground rules (see also “Rules for Getting Rid of Stuff,” page 41), you can make it through to the other side relatively unscathed.

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