Sophie Turner Talks Sexuality: “I Love A Soul, Not A Gender”

Photo: Lester Cohen/WireImage/Getty Images.
In her recent Rolling Stone cover story, Sophie Turner opened up about her friendship with Maisie Williams, saying goodbye to Game of Thrones, her tattoos, and her sexuality. The 23-year-old, who is engaged to Joe Jonas, began by sharing that she didn’t expect to settle down so young.
“I was fully preparing myself to be single for the rest of my life,” she told Rolling Stone. “I think once you’ve found the right person, you just know. I feel like I’m much older a soul than I am in age. I feel like I’ve lived enough life to know. I’ve met enough guys to know — I’ve met enough girls to know. I don’t feel 22. I feel like 27, 28.”
Asked to elaborate on the “I’ve met enough girls to know” comment, she answered, “Everyone experiments. It’s part of growing up. I love a soul, not a gender.” Turner hasn't yet shared how she identifies her sexuality — and she doesn't have to.
Elsewhere in the interview, Turner talked about her friendship with her fellow Rolling Stone cover star and onscreen sister Maisie Williams. Turner said they initially connected at their chemistry read back in 2009, when Turner was 13 and Williams was 12. “We were pretty much best friends from that second on," she said.
Williams added, “I thought Sophie was the coolest thing I’d ever seen. I get why they do chemistry reads, because when it’s right, it’s so right. Like, we’re best friends. And they could see that all those years ago, and it must have been real magic watching these two girls have the best time together.”
Turner joked that it was probably a good thing that their characters haven't shared much screen time. “We’re a nightmare to work with,” she said. “If you’re working with your best friend, you will never get any work done, ever. Anytime we tried to be serious about anything, it’s just the hardest thing in the world. I think they really regretted putting us in scenes together. It was difficult.”

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