Illustrated by Celia Jacobs
Action planet Mars travels through Gemini this week, increasing our ability to communicate our intentions. Work on your follow through with the help up Sunday’s waxing moon in Taurus until Monday at 4:28 a.m EST. Structuring your thoughts before you express them will be helpful on Sunday when chatty Mercury sextiles strict Saturn. Use the combination of this energy to get your ideas onto paper before presenting them to your intended audience. The moon waxes in Gemini on Monday evening at 5:15 p.m. EST until Wednesday 1:26 p.m. EST, enhancing our connections with friends, coworkers, and loved ones.
Lighten up your outlook on Wednesday when charming Venus conjuncts intuitive Neptune. It’s a romantic day for you to explore the possibility with your partner. If you’re single and seeing someone new, it may be difficult to get serious. Make time to count your lucky stars on Wednesday when Jupiter goes retrograde in Sagittarius. The planet of hope will be moving in reverse, but his path will help you to give thanks for the opportunities that have come before you in the past. Work on actualizing those gifts to help you grow when Jupiter moves direct on August 11th. Watch out for rigid behavior on Wednesday when the sun squares stern Saturn. It might feel like you can’t move forward, so take a moment to pause. The planet of rules and regulations is at odds with our collective need for action. Be patient — we’ve got plenty of Aries season left to fuel our fires.
The moon waxes in sensitive Cancer on Wednesday night at 11:31 p.m. EST through to Friday evening at 7:32 p.m. EST. She goes void-of-course until 3:50 a.m. EST on Saturday morning. We’ll collectively seek the spotlight this weekend as the moon waxes in Leo for the rest of the day. Enjoy the company of your friends and loved ones as you entertain each other.

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