Illustrated by Cachetejack
We’re fresh into Taurus season this week, as the sun lights up our financial minds and attitudes towards work. Take the energetic drive that Aries season lent us last week, and back it up with attainable short-term goals. The mood stays light thanks to Venus’s move into Aries last Saturday. It’s a brilliant time to take fashion risks, experiment with color and upgrade your workout wardrobe. You could be inspired to make a few grand romantic gestures while the planet of love and beauty moves through this bold sign.
We’re feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed on Sunday when the moon wanes in Sagittarius at 11:59 a.m. EST. Be ready for anything on Tuesday when change-making Uranus conjuncts the sun. Connect with loved ones and friends while the moon helps to create an expansive mood until Tuesday morning at 7:43 a.m. EST. Prepare for a rest period on Tuesday when the moon goes void-of-course until 6:49 p.m. EST that night. Keep your mind open for inspiration when the moon enters Capricorn that night, as we’ll be inspired to create rules to help us get what we want. Allow yourself to be open to change when Pluto goes retrograde on Wednesday. The planet of rebirth and revealed truths will be moving backward until October 3rd, helping us to become aware of hidden knowledge. Listen to your gut while he moves in reverse and challenges your thoughts to inspire new action. The moon enhances Capricorn’s qualities until 3:47 p.m EST on Thursday when she goes void-of-course again until early Friday morning at 5:27 a.m. EST. When the moon is void, most actions taken end up panning out, so spend this time in reflection. Remove unessential apps from your phone, pick up a book you’ve meant to finish, and enjoy your downtime. Connect with friends and discuss your ideas on Friday and Saturday when the moon lights up Aquarius.

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