Every Moody, Twinkly, Soulful Song From Netflix's Chambers Soundtrack

Photo: Courtesy of Netflix.
Oh, the things you can learn from having your aura read. Netflix’s Chambers is a New Age thriller about Sasha Yazzie (Sivan Alyra Rose), a heart transplant recipient whose donor Becky Lefevre (Lilliya Scarlett Reid) dies mysteriously so she can live. Now Sasha’s out to figure out what happened to this Becky with the good hair and to do that she obviously needs a killer soundtrack. The soundtrack of Chambers, though, is as curious as Tony Goldwyn’s Yogi Zaddy, who is definitely not Olivia Pope’s Fitz in this teen drama. And as mysterious as the wellness cult led by Lili Taylor that is shilling a whole lot more than crystals and grief counseling.
Don’t expect to hear Enya on this soundtrack, no no. Chambers’ music is a mix of soulful R&B ballads, moody experimental guitar rock, twinkly techno jams, and oh so much Stone Roses. Well, really just one Stone Roses song that will undoubtedly get stuck in your head after watching, just you wait.
Like Sasha’s connection to Becky, the 10-episode series’ connection to this music is deeper than it might appear. So open up your heart chakras, grab some crystals, and let the music of Chambers in.

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