Black Widow's Hair Hides A Major Plot Point In Avengers: Endgame

Photo: Courtesy of Marvel Pictures.
Being one of the lucky few to survive Thanos' snap, Black Widow (played by Scarlett Johansson) returns in Avengers: Endgame to hopefully save the day alongside the remaining superheroes. And while a lot happens in Marvel's cinematic finale, including a Captain Marvel haircut, what's obvious from the beginning is that Black Widow (otherwise known as Natasha Romanoff) undergoes yet another physical transformation.
For the last decade, Marvel fans have spent a lot of time debating Black Widow's on-screen look — some have even gone as far as ranking her best and worst wigs. And while this is an exhausted critique (seriously, has anyone talked so much about Thor's former lob?), Black Widow's hairstyle evolution hides something crucial to the Avengers: Endgame plot.
Whether you've only seen the trailer or managed to sit through the three-hour film, it's immediately clear that Black Widow returns to her roots for the Avengers' swan song. But why? After rocking a blonde bob in Avengers: Infinity War, the signature red hair makes a comeback thanks to the massive time jump that's central to Endgame's plot.
Lucky for you, that's all the spoilers you can get — for now. Until then, it's time to revisit all of Black Widow's iconic looks over the last decade because, let's face it, we're all feeling a little nostalgic with the Marvel series coming to a close. Plus, the fate of that rumored Black Widow prequel is as elusive as the ending of Avengers: Endgame.

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